Saturday, August 15, 2009

Brad Pitt on Real Time with Bill Maher

Can't be moral without god? Lets examine the Pitt/Jolie duo vs the pope on a few issues regarding human suffering:

Brad Pitt (atheist) shows his devotion to humanitarian causes by helping to build new homes and entire communities in Katrina ravaged New Orleans for displaced residents...because he thinks that's the right thing to do.

Angelina Jolie (atheist) who is the UN Agency Goodwill Ambassador shows her devotion to humanitarian causes by helping the poor and hungry of Sub-Saharan Africa by using her status as a superstar to generate media coverage about the plight of refugees and the conditions under which they live...because she thinks that's the right thing to do.

Herr Ratzinger (The Infallible Pope) who allegedly has a golden telephone to god said at his recent and only visit to Sub-Saharan Africa...the same part of Africa where over 22 Million adults and children are living with Aids (1.5 Million adults and children died of Aids in 2007)..."HIV/Aids is a tragedy that cannot be overcome through the distribution of condoms, which can even increase the problem". It's this kind of belief in bronze aged superstition that lets the pope get away with genocidal stupidity...and remain an old white former nazi youth that poor, oppressed, sick Africans still worship!

Sorry I used the good news of Pitt once again affirming that he's a non-believer for a pope rant but I have to use every chance I can get. It's my minor contribution to humanity.

1 comment:

  1. Next time they elect the new bishop of rome, hope brad applies
